Thursday, January 14, 2010

My Political Identity

I have had liberal beliefs for as long as I've known about politics and government. When I think of liberals, I think of helpful, grateful, and kind people. Of course this is not always the case. I also don't believe conservatives are harsh people, I just disagree with the majority of their ideas.

Why Liberal?
As you know, liberals and conservatives have very different ideas of how to deal with different issues. These issues for examples include: Gun control, Foreign aid, Gay Marriage, Emergency assistance, ect. Liberals often want to help those who seek it. We may be far in debt, but we're not suffering like many other countries. In many countries, the government is in complete control, with America's democracy, we don't have it so bad. In a way, I believe liberalism is a more humane branch that others. Liberals like to help the greater good of the world, rather than just America. Yet again, I'm not saying all conservatives are heartless, power hungry people. That's not the case, but they are genuinely more set on fixing America than helping poor countries.

Gun Control
I believe that America should use more gun control. I don't believe that guns should be illegal, as long as the owner is fully certified. I believe there should be harsher punishments when people illegally sell guns without background checks. If someone owns a gun, I want the safety to know they know how to handle it.

Foreign Aid
I personally believe that we should be helping countries that are less fortunate than ours. I'm not saying we should throw all our money over seas, but maybe instead of Wall Street bankers getting 20 Million dollar annual bonuses, maybe we could feed some children. What if a country decided to bomb us, and our nation laid in ruins. What country would be more willing to help us, a country we helped in their time of need? Or a country we neglected?

Gay Marriage
I can never understand why this is even an issue at all. I believe all people are entitled to their own personal happiness. Religion is often brought up as a defense, but I can see right through it. I don't disrespect religious people, but I am not religious. Many religious people disagree with gay marriage due to the fact that it is against the bible. It is these people who have difficulty understanding that not everyone shares the same beliefs. If you're not Christian, why should you be limited by the Christian Constitution? My question to anyone who has a problem with same sex marriage is, "How does it personally effect you? How does a gay couple effect your life to the point where you need to stand up against them?"

These are only few of the many issues where I lean toward the Liberal side, but for time's sake, I'll leave it at that.

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